The way to answer - Past Papers
Answers from Marking scheme, this is not the final answer. Let's discuss how we have to write a proper answer. Most of the students think if they write what exactly there in the marking scheme they will get full marks. It's not like that, they need to consider the question's command word according to that they need to answer, such as, explain, describe or discuss. most of the students used to write as point form instead of answering accordingly. Before I begin with any paper I would like to recall the AOs (Assessment Objectives) of the subject. The reason why we need the AOs to know when we answer a paper, that's the place where the answer pattern is hidden. AOs Post Click here May/ June 2018 Paper 1 - 12 IGCSE ICT As you can see question 1 is asking your direct knowledge. Not asking you to give reasons or analyse them. To answer this type of a question you must have good memorizing skills since it asking the AO1 type answer such as recall, select, communicate knowledg...